Zeit & Ort
Nov 20, 2021, 8:00 PM
Berlin, Boxhagener Str. 18, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Über die Veranstaltung
A theater production with the kind support of the berliner schauspiel school “When I protest, the other side's first weapon is rape. When I want something, I get thrown back to being just a woman. To be a woman means to be locked in a grave. "
“Ka in the grave” is a snapshot of the Egyptian spring from the perspective of a pair of sisters. While one sister is confronted with her own disappointments, the other has never dared to want anything from life. In both cases the woman's rebellion is nipped in the bud; be it through direct violence or through the fear of the male sex instilled in childhood.
"To be a woman means to be locked in a grave."
That is the final realization that both sisters have to make for themselves - a sentence that to this day reflects the life experience of many women around the world.
Direction: Anoush Azizi Text: Maryam Mansouri Translation: Azadeh Fathi Dramaturgy & Assistant Director: Johanna Winkens Set Design: Neda Aizizi Costume Design: Sahar Rashidian Artistic Collaboration: Golnaz Farmani Performers / Dancers: Lydia Steer, Therese Banzhaf, Parvin Sharifirajantzi, Lydia Georgania, Lydia Marie Kosky & Parastoo Taghizadieh Voices: Salman Farkhondeh & Teymur Mokhtari Technique: Torsten Eißrich
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€12.00Sale endedReduced price
Schoolchildren, students, trainees, the unemployed, those doing military and community service and pensioners receive discounts on presentation of appropriate proof.
€8.00Sale ended
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