Zeit & Ort
22. Jan. 2022, 20:00
Neue Bühne Friedrichshain, Boxhagener Str. 18, 10245 Berlin, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
Scratch Theater invites you to experience an evening of long-form improvised theatre and storytelling like no other...
* Starting in 2022, Scratch Theater is taking over both halves of the main stage at Neue Bühne in Berlin to pack twice the energy, storytelling and emotional rollercoaster into one evening. This new series of shows near Boxhagener Platz showcases the best Scratch has to offer.
* Performers: Robert Rodgers, Theresa Mertens, Dietger van Antwerpen, Colin Willox, and Andrés Atala-Quezada (piano).
* Join us at Neue Bühne for an improvised performance, consisting of two halves, that will have you on the edge of your seat. Andrés Atala-Quezada, the most talented pianist and musical improvisor we’re lucky to know, will tickle your ears with sounds of worlds born from the imagination and the magic of the moment.
* Join us for an evening with Scratch Theater. We can't wait.
Doors/bar open at 19:30. Show at 20:00
Price: 15 EUR normal / 5 EUR ermäßigt (current Scratch students and more - read below)
The box office opens 45 minutes before the performance begins. Some tickets are kept available at the door. Any reserved tickets must be picked up at the box office no later than 15 minutes before the performance begins. Tickets not collected by this time will be returned to the open sale.
Discounts are available to schoolchildren, students, trainees, the unemployed, those doing military or civilian service, and pensioners upon presentation of appropriate proof.
This is a 2G+ event as per the latest regulations. This will be strongly enforced at the door. Please remind your friends/partners/family to bring their proof. We don’t want anyone upset. The current Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of Berlin, as amended, applies on the premises. A modern air-exchange system has been installed in the space.
The space offers barrier-free access. The theatre and the elevators are wheelchair accessible without restrictions. A wheelchair accessible toilet is available.
———— About the group:
Scratch Theater is expanding the horizons of improvisational storytelling by mixing a wealth of genres, old and new. Our stories breathe life into vulnerable characters, full of honesty and complexity—characters you want to get to know. Performances are always one-of-a-kind spectacles bursting with lights and sounds.
Founded in San Francisco by Cirque du Soleil acrobat and clown, Robert Rodgers, Scratch Theater has found renewed life in Berlin as a group of improvisers that ventures beyond comedy: we strap you to a rollercoaster of hopes, fears, giggles and tears, leaving you with new memories and waiting for more!
The Scratch Improvisation School is run by members of the ensemble and holds courses on weeknights and workshops on weekends. If you're interested in learning the basics of improvisational storytelling in a safe and fun environment with a focus on collaborative scenework, then sign up for a class! Or if you're experienced already, then a workshop might be more up your alley.
——— About the space:
Neue Bühne in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg saw the light of day in late 2021 and has since provided a place for courageous and contemporary actors from all branches of the performing arts. In addition to the multilingual and interdisciplinary theatre program, poetry slams, improv programs, workshops and panels as well as talks on socially relevant topics are being added constantly.
As an independent stage, they host a wide variety of national and international groups and artists. In addition to the self-run programs and festivals, the team also runs a series of events that offer the creative cultural scene a platform to present it to a diverse audience and to help shape the social discourse within the framework of the panels and network events. Their doors are open to interested artists who would like to actively shape the scope through their projects.
tickets: 15 Euro / 8 Euro (ermässigt)
besonderer Hinweis:
Für diese Veranstaltung gilt die 2G+-Regel.
Für das Reservieren der Karten muss nicht vorbezahlt werden.
Reservierte Karten werden an der Abendkasse bezahlt.