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The Last Letters
The Last Letters

The Last Letters

Zeit & Ort

20. Dez. 2024, 20:00 – 21:30

Maskenspiel/Nō-Theater / 20:00 Uhr, Boxhagener Str. 18, 10245 Berlin

Über die Veranstaltung

The Last Letters

is a storytelling played by Tomoya Kawamura, inspired freely by the story of Tome Torihama and the historical facts of World War II.

Tome tells us her story and the one of far too young “Kamikaze” pilots, in times where it seemed reasonable to somebody, to send the youngest generation of a nation to die in vain, in a completely senseless mission during an already lost war.

Using masks and embodying different characters, Tomoya uses this play to delicately unveil the difference of perspectives between the lives of ordinary people in the midst of a largely devastating war and those, who lightly make the decision of joining a conflict, compromising the lives of millions in the name of false ideals and personal satisfaction.

English with German Subtitles. Performance / Concept: Tomoya Kawamura

Directing: Francesco Procopio

Co-Writing: Tomoya Kawamura & Francesco Procopio

Masks: Richard Dent & Francesco Procopio

Technique: Torsten Eissrich Premiere am 19.12.2024 | 20:00 Uhr

weitere Vorstellung:

20.12.2024 | 20:00 Uhr

Eintritt: 15 - 20 Euro (sliding scale)

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NBF - Neue Bühne Friedrichshain

art@work GmbH

Boxhagener Str. 18 | 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

2. Hinterhof




Björn Loeckel



Torsten Eißrich


 ©2021 art@work GmbH

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