Zeit & Ort
Apr 26, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
PREMIERE / Performance / 20:00 Uhr, Boxhagener Str. 18, 10245 Berlin
Über die Veranstaltung
Waterish by Unmixed Collective Our bodies are composed of water. The entire human body is about 66 percent water. Our bones are composed of 22 percent water, muscles are 76 percent and blood is 83 percent. Lungs are 90 percent, and our brains are 95 percent water. How much grief consists of water? Orphea overflows with water. No matter where she goes or what she says, she leaves behind puddles of water that grow larger with each passing second. In order not to harm those around her and spare them from the flood, she resolves to stay in her apartment. Permanently soaked, she spends her days beneath the shower head trying to make sense of what’s happening and to face the loss she has recently experienced. Waterish is a poetic journey into one woman’s attempt to navigate grief, loss, and loneliness all while being accompanied by the nostalgic, heart-wrenching sounds of the Duduk. A piece created by an ensemble.

eine Produktion des Artjom Theaters
with Kasia Stankiewicz & Stanisław Matys
Text: Kasia Stankiewicz
Dramaturgy: Anita Szymańska
Scenography and Light Design: Zuza Marczak
Costume Design: Teresa Marczak
Light: Torsten Eissrich Premiere am 26.04.2025 | 20:00 Uhr
weitere Vorstellung:
27.04.2025 | 20:00 Uhr Eintritt: 14 Euro | 10 Euro (ermässigt)
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